Forthcoming events that Community Energy England is organising or involved in are listed below.
You can view previous Community Energy England events here.
If you are interested in other community energy and related events taking place across the country, please see our Members' & Friends' Events page.
If you are interested in sponsoring one of CEE's 2025 events you can download our Sponsorship Pack here.

Net Zero Terrace Streets (NZTS): A Deeper Dive for Local Authorities
How Rossendale Borough Council is supporting the NZTS project. What progress they have made, lessons learned, and next steps. Register on Eventbrite now at

Community Carbon Auditing - Energy Learning Network Webinar
Energy Learnin gNetwork Webinar - Community Carbon Auditing
Learn about the importance of carbon auditing - the start of your community’s journey to net zero.
Join CES to discuss how to navigate this topic as a smaller or emerging group.

Net Zero Terrace Streets (NZTS): A Deeper Dive for Community Organisations
Let's chat about how community groups can tackle climate change with Net Zero Terrace Streets (NZTS) - all online! Register on Eventbrite now at

Community Shared Ownership - Energy Learning Network Webinar
Energy Learning Network Webinar - Community Shared Ownership

CEE New Member Introduction Meeting
This session aims to extend a warm welcome to new members of the CEE network. We will provide an opportunity for new members to gain a better understanding of how to engage with the CEE network and make the most of their membership.